Showpony is an independent national network of deliberately smaller, highly experienced teams. ‘Small’ keeps us close to our clients and being a network means we can tap into a bigger pool of talent whenever we need to.

In other words – we’re small enough to give a S#!% and big enough to make good S#!% happen.


When a brief drops at Showpony we have strategy, creative, production AND media all in the same (virtual) room, ready to roll.


That’s a team of switched-on people all working off the same page – immediately collaborating to deliver a bespoke, integrated response designed to nail objectives, optimise effectiveness and deliver value across all channels. One brief for one definitive response. 


That said, it’s a shopping list too, so we’re more than happy for clients to pick and choose the specific services they need.



Strategy is the plan to reach the objective given the constraints and resources. For us, it starts with building a thorough understanding of all of the points of view surrounding the objective and the way an audience perceives its value, versus the cost of achieving it. 


To gain that understanding our strategists deep dive into a pool of data generated through our media tools, subscription insight services, online databases and the client’s strategic plans. The outcome is a series of consumer, cultural and product/service insights that inform everything from creative ideation through to media selection.


With us it doesn't matter if it’s an international brand or a local startup, if we’re working on something, there’s a considered strategy behind it.


We create and revitalise brands using a proven methodology called ‘Spotlight’. It’s adaptable and scalable. Engagement can be one-on-one or incorporate every tier of management, from the boardroom to the warehouse.

Spotlight has helped rejuvenate AFL clubs, reposition national financial institutions and launch international beer brands by providing them with a deeper understanding of their brand promise and mapping out the actions needed to build that promise into a reputation.



For a campaign to be truly effective, media and creative need to work together. That’s why our media and the creative briefs are one and the same, to ensure that the right idea connects with the right audience at the right time. 

With decades of experience and access to a host of research tools, our media team provide expert data lead planning and bespoke strategy development shaped by consumer insight.

From negotiation and buying through to implementation and monitoring across traditional and digital channels, we’re all about maximising reach, impact and value.


Over the years we’ve learned that the closer clients are to the creative process, the better the outcomes. That’s why we work to deliver more ideas, sooner. Rather than polishing up one or two ideas for the ‘big reveal’ close to deadline, we collaborate with our clients earlier in a ‘tissue session’. 


A true expression of creative partnership, this is a chance to work through ideas at a purely conceptual level, ensuring that it is the quality of the idea that is evaluated, not a beautiful execution (don't worry, that part comes later). Tissue sessions ensure a better use of your time and money, ensuring we’re only developing the ideas that resonate.



Visual identity is the collection of graphic elements that identify a brand. Composing those elements to create something that’s distinctive and ownable is what the art of creating effective visual ID is all about, and it’s something we’ve got decades of experience in.


We’ve done it for financial institutions, international sporting events, retail franchises and everything in between. It can be the final expression of our own branding process or something that’s briefed in directly. Either way, our culturally diverse team of visual creatives provide a fresh perspective and sensibility that makes for distinctive, emotive, unforgettable visual identities.


We make bringing ideas and information to life in film fast and effective. With an in-house team of writers, filmmakers, animators, web developers, producers and high-end equipment, we have instant access to all the resources we need to generate clever, beautiful digital assets.

Here, a production that might typically take weeks can be executed in a matter of days, sometimes even hours. For our clients it’s the perfect model for delivering content that’s fresh, responsive and incredibly watchable.



At Showpony, digital isn’t a siloed discipline, it’s part of our total service mix. Our team of digital strategists, producers, developers, content creators and community managers provide a complete, end-to-end digital service. Everything from website development and production, through to community management and social listening.


And it’s not just ‘what’ we do in the digital space that clients appreciate, it’s ‘how’ we do it. We like to keep things fluid. The combination of in-house resources and responsive reporting gives us the ability to evolve digital assets in line with changing

attitudes and emerging behaviours in real time.